Wednesday, July 6, 2011


...but alas, not this show.  I'm afraid this is my final post in this particular blog.  My initial intention here was to write quick reviews of my research, but right out of the gate, they became something much bigger than that.  I could write shorter ones, but if they were to be just standard reviews you can read anywhere, it wasn't very interesting for me to write.  I have enjoyed writing these, but they are taking up too much of my time, and I would rather pursue other writing interests.
  Thanks to those who followed, and to those who read.  I am going to keep the same domain name, and start posting again when I come up with something else I feel is worth talking about.  I will, however, be removing the current posts in the next few weeks.  I hate having to end this before having finished it - there was so much more to come! - but it is just too much of a commitment for now.
  Thanks for your time; I do hope you enjoyed it!  It's time to wave goodbye, like this happy little chappy:


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